Thank you for your interest in submitting your materials to be considered as an applicant for one of our open positions. We pride ourselves in working with you to find the right position that best matches your career goals. We encourage you to contact one of the Educational Leadership Solutions Partners if you have questions about a specific position.
Candidate Survey
Prospective candidates are encouraged to visit the EdLS Candidate Survey so that we have advance information that will help us make sure we match your expertise to the district's needs.
Application Process & Information
You can submit your application materials at this link. Please note that our firm has an expectation that all candidates submit their materials on time and in a complete manner. Thank you for your consideration of this requirement. Candidates must submit the EdLS Candidate Survey as part of the application process. Visit the EdLS Postings Site to view current postings and to apply for a position.
Successfully Completed and/or Ongoing Administrator Searches
See the entire list of EdLS projects here.